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Unlock Group Visibility & Take Control of Your Projects

Instantly find the best times to meet with teams across organizations and time zones.

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Fast and personal

Instantly Find Time To Meet With Anyone

Undock handles your nuanced scheduling needs. Effortlessly make suggestions for meeting times based on everyone's schedule and personal preferences. Share individual times or send a calendar link to your team and guests.

Available anywhere

Make Time Anywhere You Type

Collaborative conversations can happen anywhere, which is why Undock works everywhere. Schedule in Slack, Twitter, Linkedin and any app on your phone. Undock remembers the times you propose across all platforms you so you never double book.

Browser Extension

The calendar assistant works in Gmail, Outlook 365, Superhuman, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Mobile Keyboard

Undock puts your calendar directly in your keyboard for every app on your phone.

Remove Scheduling Headaches and Take Charge of Your Projects

Remove Scheduling Headaches and Take Charge of Your Projects

It's challenging to see a project through from start to finish. And it's not easy coordinating with everyone, especially across different organizations and time zones. Undock unlocks mutual availability so you can make the most of everyone's time.

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Control your time with Undock