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Find time. Control time.

Undock works like autocomplete to suggest meeting times based on your availability and preferences.

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Fast and personal

Propose times that fit your schedule

Undock’s calendar assistant puts your schedule at your fingertips in Gmail, Outlook 365 and Superhuman. Share individual times or send a link to your calendar for your guests to choose.

Add to Chrome – it's free
Available anywhere

Schedule meetings anywhere you type

Schedule in Slack, Twitter, Linkedin and any app on your phone. Undock remembers the times you propose across all platforms you so you never double book.

Browser Extension

The calendar assistant works in Gmail, Outlook 365, Superhuman, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Mobile Keyboard

Undock puts your calendar directly in your keyboard for every app on your phone.

Meet on your time

Meet on your time

Take control of your calendar by setting preferred meeting times, daily limits & rules. Undock’s suggestions for meeting times work around your schedule.


Set daily and weekly meeting limits so you never get overloaded.

Smart AI Suggestions

AI learns your scheduling behavior to suggest optimal meeting times.


Set preferred working hours and ideal time of day for meetings.

Unlimited schedules

Work-life schedule

Connect multiple calendars and create an unlimited number of schedules with different availability. Whether it’s work or personal, Undock manages your calendars seamlessly.


Share individual links with limited availability.

Office hours

Privately or publicly share open drop-in office hours.

The calendar of the future

Undock is building a full calendar with unmatched scheduling capabilities


Lightning fast calendar insights into how you spend your time


Create custom rules and routines to fluidly time block your calendar

Agenda & Automated Notes

Events include collaborative agenda, discussion topics and notes

Video & Audio Conferencing

Integrated video, audio-only and asynchronous meetings.

Find time with undock